How to setup Microsoft Web Application Proxy

Microsoft Web Application Proxy [WAP] is a new service added in Windows Server 2012 R2 that allows you to access web applications from outside your network. WAP functions as a reverse proxy and an Active Directory Federation Services [AD FS] proxy to pre-authenticate user access.
Web Application Proxy Overview
vBoring Blog Series:
  1. How to setup Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services [AD FS]
  2. How to setup Microsoft Web Application Proxy


  • The only hard requirement of WAP is having an AD FS server. Refer to step 1 for setting that up.
  • WAP cannot be installed on a server that AD FS is installed on. They must be separate servers.

Installing the Web Application Proxy Server Role:

Open Server Manager and click Manage -> Add Roles and Features:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 1 - Add Roles and Features

Click Next:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 2 - Before you Begin
Role-based or feature-based installation should be selected then click Next:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 3 - Installation Type
Select the server you want to install this role on to and then click Next:
Note: Web Application Proxy role and AD FS cannot be installed on the same computer.
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 4 - Server Selection
Select Remote Access then click Next:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 5 - Server Roles
No additional Features are needed. Click Next:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 6 - Features
Click Next:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 7 - Remote Access
Select Web Application Proxy:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 8-1 - Role Services
On the pop up click Add Features:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 8-2 - Role Services Additional Services
The Web Application Proxy role does not required a reboot. Click Install:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 9 - Confirmation
Once complete click Close:
Microsoft Web Application Proxy 10 - Results
Web Application Proxy is now installed but you need the AD FS certificate to continue.

Export & Import the AD FS Certificate:

You need the certificate from your AD FS server added to your Web Application Proxy server. Login to your AD FS server and open MMC.exe:
WAP Import Certificate 1 - Open MMC
Go to File -> Add/Remove Snap-ins -> select Certificates then click Add:
WAP Import Certificate 2 - Add Certificate Snapin
When you click OK you will get the following pop up. Select Computer account then click Next:
WAP Import Certificate 3 - Use Computer Account
On AD FS Server: Drill down to Personal -> Certificates then right click the SSL certificate you used during setup of AD FS. Go to All Tasks -> Export. Save to a location that your Web Application Proxy can access. Ensure you export the Private Key and certificate as a .PFX file.
WAP Import Certificate 6-1 - Export Certificate
On Web Application Proxy: Right click on Personal -> Certificates then go to All Tasks -> Import:
WAP Import Certificate 4 - Import Certificate
This will bring up the Certificate Import Wizard. Click Next:
WAP Import Certificate 5 - Welcome to Certificate Import Wizard
Browse to the certificate that you exported from your AD FS server and select it. Click Next:
WAP Import Certificate 6 - File to Import
Enter the password for the private key and check the box to make the key exportable. Click Next:
WAP Import Certificate 7 - Private Key Protection
Leave the default certificate store as Personal. Click Next:
WAP Import Certificate 8 - Certificate Store
Click Finish:
WAP Import Certificate 9 - Complete
You should now see the certificate from your AD FS servers on your Web Application Proxy server.
WAP Import Certificate 10 - Certificate Imported
Now we are ready to perform the Post Configuration.

Post-Deployment Configuration:

Back on your Web Application Server open Server Manager then click Notifications then the message Open the Web Application Proxy Wizard:
WAP Configuration 11 - Post-Deployment Configuration
Click Next:
WAP Configuration 12 - Welcome
Enter the FQDN of your AD FS name and the Service Account you created during AD FS setup. Click Next:
WAP Configuration 13 - Federation Server
On the drop down menu select the certificate you imported from your AD FS server. Click Next:
WAP Configuration 14 - AD FS Proxy Certificate
Click Configure:
WAP Configuration 15 - Confirmation
Once finished click Close:
WAP Configuration 16 - Results
Remote Access Management Console should open when you clicked Close. On Operations Status you should see all the objects as green.
WAP Configuration 17 - Operations Status

Publish Web Applications:

Now we are finally ready for the magic. In the Remote Access Management Console click Web Application Proxy thenPublish:
WAP Publish 1 - Publish
Click Next:
WAP Publish 2 - Welcome
Pass-through will let WAP act like a reverse proxy. I will have documentation on setting up AD FS link soon!
Select Pass-through and click Next:
WAP Publish 3 - Preauthentication
Name: Enter a display name
External URL: Enter the URL that will be coming in your the WAP server externally
External Certificate: The drop down menu will show certificates that are added on the WAP server. Select the same certificate that you used while setting up your application. In my case I used my wildcard certificate.
Backend server URL: Enter the web URL of the server you want the external URL forwarded
Click Next:
WAP Publish 4 - Publishing Settings
Copy the PowerShell command down and with some minor edits you can easily add additional PassThrough applications with ease.
Click Publish:
WAP Publish 5 - Confirmation
Click Close to finish:
WAP Publish 6 - Results
You will now see the published web application and ready for testing.
WAP Publish 7 - Web Address Published
You are ready to test the application!

Configure Firewall for 443 Port Forwarding:

Before you can test you need to ensure you have port 443 (HTTPS) being sent to your WAP server. This step does not involve configuration of your WAP environment but on your firewall. Since this can vary greatly I will give you two examples of this step:
For pfSense you would create a NAT: Port Forward Rule:
WAP - pfSense NAT Example
For DD-WRT you would go to NAT / QOS then Port Forwarding:
WAP - DDWRT Port Forwarding Example
Once added you are ready to test!
From outside your network (like on your phone or a PC elsewhere) try to access your web link. You should get your internal web page through your WAP externally! Success!
WAP - Confirmation
Coming Soon!! Setting up Microsoft RDS to use AD FS authentication through WAP!

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